Our mission is to provide businesses and locations with accurate crowd population count. This can be used as simple analytical data, to inform customers of store population, to ensure that a location is not overpopulated, and much more...
Our small startup team consists of the following, Elkan Bruha, the Founder and Lead Developer, Hayden Forbes, the Lead Business Strategist, and Kyan Mathysen-Gerst Davidis, our Product Designer. We are always looking for help, so if you want to join our team, feel free to contact us.
Your privacy is important to us.
We collect as little information about you as possible to make your (and frankly our) experience even better. See how your data is managed in our Privacy Policy.
We are committed to remaining carbon neutral.
We plan on offsetting our carbon footprint by donating a part of our proceeds. For now, we are contributing
of proceeds to carbon offset technologies. We know it's not much, which is why we continue to find ways to help.
If you would like to see our legal documents such as our Terms of Use, please click here: crowdcount.tech/legal